Leadership Lessons Bulletin Hub March 17, 2015 At school one day a little boy was asked what he was thankful for. The boy replied, “My glasses.” “That’s good,” said the teacher, “they he... Continue Reading
Cultivating Good People Skills Bulletin Hub January 18, 2015 One of the most valuable skills you could develop is good people skills.You need good people skills for a very specific reason. If you ar... Continue Reading
Self Fulfilling Prophecy Bulletin Hub January 14, 2015For every action there is a reaction. Every action you take is a cause-set-in-motion. And every action you fail to take is a cause-set-in-mo... Continue Reading
Questions for Leaders: Stay or Leave? Bulletin Hub September 24, 2014It’s often said that people don’t quit their jobs, they quit their bosses. In many cases, employee turnover is a function of poor leadership... Continue Reading
The Mindset of a Leader Bulletin Hub November 02, 2012Do you have the mindset of a leader? It is not a natural thing to have. Think of it, when you were born, it was about you. In grade schoo... Continue Reading
How To Create Your Life Purpose Bulletin Hub November 02, 2012I am sure you have been told “do what you love and the money will follow.” For some, that is easy and known right away. Tiger Woods comes ... Continue Reading
Develop Leadership Skills Bulletin Hub January 02, 2012Are leaders born or made? Well, leaders are born, but only in la la land!!! You can be born with the traits of a leader but the right encour... Continue Reading