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Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Dare To Dream Big

 Dare to Dream Big
It is mistakenly believed that your potential is limited by your current abilities, knowledge, skills or even your current circumstances, whereas, in reality, your limits only exist within your own self-imposed comfort zone and restrictive beliefs. You can completely remove any perceived limits and swim in the sea of abundance, which flows all around you, if you are able to believe in yourself and build a crystal clear picture in your mind about all the possibility, which exists all around you.
Napoleon Hill once said
Your Mind Does not come with a user’s Manual

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”

Your mind is the most incredible and powerful tool available to you as you travel down the path towards the success you desire. If understood and used correctly, it will deliver literally everything you can imagine to you. All that you need to do is believe with absolute conviction that it is possible for you and then you must commit to take inspired goal specific action daily and a world of possibility opens up to you.
Henry Ford said:
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, both ways you are correct”

What do you see as possible in your future right now? It is very unlikely that you will ever exceed your own expectations about what you believe is possible for you to achieve. So if you want to begin the journey towards super achievement, it starts right now, by you allowing yourself to dream once again and to give yourself permission to have huge expectations about what is possible for you.

You are truly magnificent, now it is up to you to believe it and you will finally start to achieve it. Create an expectation about what you believe is possible for you and according to the expectancy theory, your mind will eventually make it possible for you.

Dare to Dream Big
Are you dreaming really big dreams and taking inspired action every day to make them real for you? It is seldom, if ever, that anyone exceeds their own belief in their potential or their own vision of possibility. You will never rise above the image you hold in your mind about what is possible for you. So in reality you can and will only ever live the vision you have of what is possible for you.

In fact the life you are living right now is exactly what you have envisioned in the past, as being possible for you. The subconscious belief and picture, which you hold in your mind right now, has shaped who you are and will continue shaping who you will become. 

How you see yourself or the vision you hold of your potential is exactly what will turn up in your life. Don’t you think it is time you stopped leaving this to chance and you finally made the conscious decision and put in the effort to picture the actual future you want?

Please share your thoughts in the comments section below as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.

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